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Jan. 28, 2021

Courage Against Fear: James Meredith and Mississippi

James Meredith has stood up to fear, hatred, and white supremacy his entire life. While growing up in Mississippi, he faced challenges head on which would begin to change that state and the nation. These challenges (being t...

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Jan. 19, 2021

Part I: What Have We Learned About Learning During the Pandemic?

Educators across the country have struggled with what is the best way to approach learning during the pandemic. Covid-19 has brought about daily discussions about virtual learning, hybrid learning, remote learning, blended l...

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Jan. 19, 2021

Part II: Post-Pandemic: Is Blended Learning the Way of the Future for…

Dr. Tammy Stephens-Frame from eClass4learning discusses the research and support for blended learning and how it benefits a variety of learners including, English Language Learners (ELL), those with IEP's, and learners who ar...

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Jan. 13, 2021

An Interview with the New Interim Executive Director at the WRH Minis…

Derek Bastian brings his love for people and his experience to the position of interim executive director of the Webster-Rock Hill Ministries. His work in ministry has been in a variety of settings and locations and he is ha...

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