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Oct. 25, 2020

Tennessee Williams Festival-St. Louis

The award winning Tennessee Williams Festival St. Louis overcomes the Covid dilemma of live performance in a creative way. Carrie Houk, executive artistic director and actress Elizabeth Teeter provide a look into the 2020 Fes...

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Oct. 16, 2020

The Soul of an Artist

Think about this. You are a self-trained artist whose art looks like Norman Rockwell. You provide classes for groups of adults and children to help them appreciate art in culture, history, and what/how it speaks. This is t...

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Oct. 13, 2020

BSA: Scout Me In

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Find out more about the BSA and what they are doing to create tomorrow's leaders. https://stlbsa.org...

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Oct. 13, 2020

Suicide Prevention

Bart Andrews is Chief Clinical Officer at Behavioral Health Response (BHR) in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Andrews started at BHR as a crisis intervention clinician in 1998, and has dedicated the last 17 years of his life to suic...

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Oct. 5, 2020

Circus Harmony: Balancing Character & Community

Circus Harmony teaches the art of life through circus education. The Balancing Act: Walking the Pandemic Tightrope is an online circus event and a must see. https://circusharmony.org/ https://www.facebook.com/events/745311612...

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Sept. 17, 2020

The Candy Men: The Story of Switzer's Licorice

Oh the wonderful smell of licorice and the giant Switzer's sign along the St. Louis riverfront! Gone but not forgotten! Patrick Murphy describes the journey and struggles of previous generations of his family as they went fro...

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Sept. 17, 2020

Lifewise STL: Changing Lives - Changing Futures

Almost 120 years ago, this group was started and over time has not changed their mission but modified their methods on how to enhance services to those most in need. President and CEO Scott Walker discusses how LifeWise STL ...

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Aug. 31, 2020

Virginia Minor: Forgotten Suffragist

In 1867, two years before Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucy Stone founded their national suffrage organizations, Virginia Minor along with four other women founded the world's first organization dedicated to ...

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Aug. 18, 2020

Women's Suffrage and a Walkless-Talkless Parade

In 1916 St. Louis was host to the Democratic convention and as delegates walked to the St. Louis Coliseum, they encountered a 12 block walkless and talkless parade of suffragists advocating for the voting rights of women. Au...

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July 31, 2020

Denise Thimes: A Voice that is Smooth, Sassy, and Sophisticated

Denise Thimes has a voice that . . . well. She is an actress and vocalist who has performed with Wynton Marsalis, the late Clark Terry, Dr. Billy Taylor, and many more AND performed for many Queens (including the Queen of So...

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July 31, 2020

Joanna Serenko: Life After The Voice

Singer and songwriter Joanna Serenko discusses what she has been doing after The Voice (HINT-new single). She will make an appearance at the St. Louis Teen Talent Competition in August where she received first place in 2019....

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July 26, 2020

R.H. Dick: Painter, Sculptor, & Author Reflecting on Being An America…

Artist, sculptor, and author R.H. Dick takes us back to Paris and the vibrancy he experienced of life there in his book, Utrillo's Children: A Memoir of Paris in 1969. As an artist he has been the recipient of numerous award...

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July 14, 2020

Tracing the Story of Downtown St. Louis

In her updated book "Downtown St. Louis" NiNi Harris provides a rich background of the downtown area of the river city. She uses famous visitors and St. Louisians to tell the story of downtown from the settlement on the river...

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June 26, 2020

Part III: A Historical View of Monuments and Memorials

Dr. Warren Rosenblum, Chair of the History, Politics, & International Relations (HPIR) Department at Webster University in St. Louis provides a historical perspective of monuments as artifacts of history. What are the danger...

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June 11, 2020

Growing Up St. Louis

With over 100 interviews, Jim Merkel compiled a book of memories that takes a walk through time. What was it like to live through COVID-19? Jim recorded that information in his book along with memories of visits to the 1904...

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