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March 25, 2020

How a Deaf Dog has Become an Inspiration for Young and Old: The Team …

When you think of All-Star, Superstar, Superdog do you think of a deaf dog? Well the message of Cole the Deaf Dog and The Team Cole Project is simple and profound: a disability is not an inability. Cole is a deaf rescue dog...

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March 24, 2020

Colorectal Cancer Alliance: Screen, Care, Cure

While it takes many lives, colorectal cancer is one of the most treatable cancers if detected early through prevention and screening. Colorectal Cancer Alliance CEO Michael Sapienza discusses his motivation and commitment to...

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March 18, 2020

BOTH/AND: The Need to Talk About Race & How To Do It

Author and educator Shelly Tochluk, author of Witnessing Whiteness: The Need to Talk About Race and How to Do It, discusses and illustrates how racial discomfort leads white people toward poor relationships with people of col...

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March 7, 2020

Part II-Abridged Freedom: Harriet & Dred Scott-Their Story from Their…

On March 6, 1857 the Supreme Court handed down a decision which reverberated throughout the nation. Lynne Jackson, the great, great granddaughter of Harriet and Dred Scott describes the story in detail. A story which is one o...

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March 7, 2020

Part I-Abridged Freedom: Harriet & Dred Scott-Their Story from Their …

On March 6, 1857 the Supreme Court handed down a decision which reverberated throughout the nation. Lynne Jackson, the great, great granddaughter of Harriet and Dred Scott describes the story in detail. A story which is one ...

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Feb. 27, 2020

Bill Kunz of Hwy 61 Roadhouse Talks Food, Music, & Mardi Gras

Highway 61 Roadhouse and Kitchen was conceived during a trip between St. Louis and New Orleans. The "Blues Highway" stretch is known for savory food, a variety of music, and great fun (including Mardi Gras). Bill Kunz from ...

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Dec. 31, 2019

Home Sweet Home: Furnishing Hope, Pride, & Stability for Those Transi…

In order to effectively address homelessness in America and impact a long-term solution to this problem, people transitioning out of homelessness and other crisis situations need help with stability. Home Sweet Home believes ...

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Oct. 30, 2019

Addressing Violence Prevention as a Public & Mental Health Issue

What does violence prevention look like when there is a coordinated system of services aligned with community priorities? Learn what the St. Louis MHB is doing to build relationships with a wide range of organizations in the...

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Aug. 27, 2019

Part II: Living a Life of Service-Memorable Moments from White House …

Life has been an adventure for Jan Burmeister. She continues to have a life full of service to people. . . but how did she go from being a clerk and receptionist at McDonnell Douglas Aircraft in St. Louis to answering the pe...

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Aug. 27, 2019

Part I: Living a Life of Service-Memorable Moments from White House Y…

Life has been an adventure for Jan Burmeister. She continues to have a life full of service to people. . . but how did she go from being a clerk and receptionist at McDonnell Douglas Aircraft in St. Louis to answering the pe...

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July 23, 2019

NASA: Reflections on Apollo 11 and Past/Future Space Flights

Dr John Blevins, SLS Program Deputy Chief Engineer at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville Alabama, reflects on the historic Apollo 11 moon mission and where we may be headed in space in the near future and what it...

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July 3, 2019

Gardens and Growing Food: Building Community from the Ground Up

In St. Louis, United People are helping residents build their community and helping to eliminate the food apartheid by showing residents how to start gardens, educating youth at summer camps about healthy eating and lifestyle...

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May 31, 2019

Shakespeare Festival St. Louis: How the Arts are Linking Individuals …

Tom Ridgely and Naima Randolph discuss the Shakespeare Festival St. Louis production of Love's Labors Lost and the role of the arts in the greater community. https://www.sfstl.com/

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March 6, 2019

Black Inventors & Their Inventions Which Continue To Transform Our Li…

We take these inventions for granted each and everyday. What is their common link and why is that link important in our history? Listen to our discussion about these inventions that continue to transform our lives!

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Jan. 25, 2019

Louis Sullivan-Form Follows Function

Hotel Saint Louis, the former Union Trust Building in St. Louis which was designed by Louis Sullivan, has been restored to its glory. Find out from owners Amrit and Amy Gill about their efforts to recreate this building whic...

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