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May 16, 2022

Jitney by August Wilson and The Black Rep

Since 1976, the Black Rep in St. Louis has been and continues to be the Theatre of the Soul. August Wilson's Jitney is one of the plays this season and Kevin Brown who plays the role of Becker discussed Jitney , his role, and...

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May 3, 2022

Bridging the Digital Divide in the St. Louis Region-Part II

There is an incredibly serious divide in St. Louis City and County between those who have digital access and the technical knowledge to use it — and those who do not. And, while the digital divide is not new, the global pande...

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May 1, 2022

v15able: Changing the World One Hire at a Time

Letisha Wexstten was born without arms and with one leg shorter than the other. She learned how to do everything with her feet and had to overcome the challenges of ableism (discrimination in favor of able-bodied people) and ...

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April 13, 2022

Is There an Off-Ramp for Putin for the War in Ukraine?

In this episode, we discuss an update with Valery Dzutsati , Ph.D., visiting assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Kansas. His research interests span civil and interstate conflict, ...

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April 13, 2022

Inspiring Innovation at the Speed of Laughter

John Sweeney (aka Jiggly Boy) is a keynote speaker and has captured the imagination of some of the most respected companies in the world. This isn't because: he owned the nation’s oldest comedy theatre; nor a quote from his...

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Feb. 27, 2022

Ukraine and Russia: David and Goliath

Valery Dzutsati , Ph.D. is a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Kansas. His research interests span civil and interstate conflict, democratization, collective action, rel...

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Feb. 17, 2022

John O'Leary - Live Inspired!

John O'Leary was not always inspired to speak; in fact, he had less than one percent chance to survive as a nine-year-old child. What changed? Were the changes immediate? What inspires him now? A must-listen episode of Sa...

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Feb. 9, 2022

The Ferguson Effect, Crime, and Thoughts on What to Do from a Researc…

Dr. Richard Rosenfeld , Curators’ Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri-St. Louis specializes in social sources of violent crime, crime control policy, and crime trends. He discusses the Ferguson Eff...

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Feb. 2, 2022

A Welcoming Community: The International Institute Helping Afghan Imm…

For over 100 years the International Institute of St. Louis has been helping immigrants and refugees. President and CEO Arrey Obenson sat down again with Saint Louis In Tune to give us an update on the status of Afghan Immigr...

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Jan. 12, 2022

Doe Network: Naming the Nameless and Returning the Missing to Their F…

The Doe Network is a 100% volunteer organization devoted to assisting investigating agencies in bringing closure to national and international cold cases concerning Missing & Unidentified Persons. Their mission is to give the...

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Nov. 23, 2021

Alumination: A Documentary Film and Journey with the Airstream

For the past several years, Director Eric Bricker and Producer Lisa Hughes have delved into the world of the Airstream, its culture, and its followers. These native St. Louisians have brought a whole new understanding to the...

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Nov. 15, 2021

Films About St. Louis: A View from the Director's Chair

Directors Damien D. Smith and Alana Marie provide background and attention to important events in their respective films " Target: St. Louis Vol. I " and " The Kinloch Doc ." The films are a part of the St. Louis Internation...

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Oct. 12, 2021

STLworks: Workforce Development Collaborative-Learn and Earn

Art McCoy discusses STL.works workforce development collaborative ecosystem of more than 100 industry partners, including employers, nonprofits, educators, and a robust web portal. It is a singular focus that provides access...

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Sept. 15, 2021

9/11 Tribute: Relecting on Losing a Father on 9/11 by Kimberly Rex

On September 11, 2001, Kimberly Rex lost her father, Vincent Litto who was a senior vice-president at Cantor Fitzgerald. He worked on the 104th floor of Tower 1. Kimberly recently had two opinion pieces published: "When peo...

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Sept. 2, 2021

Supporting Nonprofits: GiveSTL Day and the Power of Giving Back

Amelia Bond, the President and CEO of St. Louis Community Foundation , speaks about the work her organization does in the community, including tackling challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic and promoting philanthropy. She hig...

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