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Dec. 18, 2019

Ranken Jordan: Helping Kids Transition from Hospital to Home

What do you do when your child who has a complex medical need has to leave the hospital but needs some rehabilitation and/or transition assistance to home? Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital has been doing that since 19...

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Nov. 6, 2018

This Descendant of Frederick Douglass & Booker T Washington Has Somet…

Kenneth B. Morris, Jr. who is a direct descendant of Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington speaks about human trafficking, one million abolitionists, and the work of the Frederick Douglass Family Initiative. www.fdfi.or...

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Oct. 24, 2018

Tiny Superheroes: One Cape Made a Difference

Sometimes the world around children with a disability or illness doesn't recognize how Extraordinary they are. Surrounded by our community and cloaked in their very own cape, they feel strong, able and proud of their qualitie...

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Sept. 13, 2018

A Community-Based Newspaper Continues to Thrive

For 40 years, the Webster-Kirkwood Times has been providing community news. How did it all begin? What is it about the Times that keeps it going after all these years? Publisher Dwight Bitikofer and Editor Don Corrigan ref...

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