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Nov. 15, 2021

Films About St. Louis: A View from the Director's Chair

Directors Damien D. Smith and Alana Marie provide background and attention to important events in their respective films " Target: St. Louis Vol. I " and " The Kinloch Doc ." The films are a part of the St. Louis Internation...

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Sept. 15, 2021

9/11 Tribute: Relecting on Losing a Father on 9/11 by Kimberly Rex

On September 11, 2001, Kimberly Rex lost her father, Vincent Litto who was a senior vice-president at Cantor Fitzgerald. He worked on the 104th floor of Tower 1. Kimberly recently had two opinion pieces published: "When peo...

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Sept. 2, 2021

Juneteenth and Civil Righteousness

Cliff Robinson, founder of Juneteenth.com discusses the history of Juneteenth and the website devoted to educating everyone about Juneteenth. Jonathan Thomas, President of Civil Righteousness and grandnephew of the late Civi...

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Aug. 30, 2021

9/11 Tribute: Capturing a Privileged Moment by Henry Leutwyler

For over 40 years, Henry Leutwyler has been capturing the essence of people and objects. In this episode of Saint Louis In Tune , he discusses the romantic process of photography and how a still life is a portrait of an obje...

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Aug. 10, 2021

MISSOURI 2021 - The Bicentennial Celebration!

The state of Missouri is celebrating the bicentennial this year. MISSOURI 2021 is commemorating 200 years of history with a variety of events, activities, and projects. Beth Pike, Senior Strategic Communications Specialist f...

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July 29, 2021

The Story of One of the Last POW's to Come Home

Director Tim Breitbach relates the harrowing true story of Sgt. Dan Hefel. The film follows one of the final 19 prisoners of war to come home from the Vietnam War. The film was included in the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase ...

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June 2, 2021

Lewis & Clark: First Renaissance Men of the Frontier

The Lewis and Clark Expedition was one of the most historic expeditions to take place in North America. Let's get an inside perspective from a veteran guide at the Lewis & Clark State Historic Site. What were some of the cha...

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June 1, 2021

St. Louis Mercantile Library - Smithsonian Museum West

Founded in 1846, the St. Louis Mercantile Library is the oldest general library in continuous existence west of the Mississippi River. The Library celebrates its 175th anniversary as the oldest cultural institution in St. Lo...

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May 31, 2021

The Looking Glass of the Tulsa Race Massacre - 100 Years Later

What do you do when you find out about events in history that you had no idea occurred? The Tulsa Race Massacre may be one of those events. DeNeen Brown, award-winning writer for the Washington Post and Associate Professor ...

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March 29, 2021

How Transparency Contributes to Congressional Gridlock: An Interview …

We all think sunshine or transparency in government is a very good thing. After you listen to this episode, you may not think it is. Why did the founders do things in secret? What does Article I, Section V of the Constitut...

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Feb. 22, 2021

Negro Leagues Baseball: Understanding the Story, Importance, & Immeas…

Dr. Ray Doswell, Vice President of Curatorial Services at the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City, gives some keen insight into how the leagues came about, the importance of the leagues, and how the museum is showcas...

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Jan. 28, 2021

Courage Against Fear: James Meredith and Mississippi

James Meredith has stood up to fear, hatred, and white supremacy his entire life. While growing up in Mississippi, he faced challenges head on which would begin to change that state and the nation. These challenges (being t...

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Nov. 24, 2020

Can Money Really Buy An Election?

Campaign donations, special interests, PAC, Super Pacs; money, money, and more money that is spent on political campaigns. This year is the mother of all records though. Brendan Quinn from the Center for Responsive Politics ...

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Nov. 23, 2020

All Aboard! The National Museum of Transportation

There are some great events scheduled at the National Museum of Transportation this holiday season. Learn about what they are and when they will be held. But first, more about the museum and their collection with Jessica Hood...

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Nov. 10, 2020

The Hill: St. Louis's Italian American Neighborhood

The Hill is an enduring neighborhood in the St. Louis area and has maintained its identity since the late 19th century. Generations of residents have continued to live, worship, work, and entertain together forming a unique b...

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