Let’s explore two of the newest family-friendly attractions in St. Louis located at St. Louis Union Station. Tami Brown, Executive Director of the St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station describes the one-of-a-kind exhibits feat...
Dr John Blevins, SLS Program Deputy Chief Engineer at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville Alabama, reflects on the historic Apollo 11 moon mission and where we may be headed in space in the near future and what it...
Will Snyder, Planetarium Manager at the St. Louis Science Center, gives his insights into the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing and the multitude of activities planned for the celebration at the St. Louis Science...
Part II of our discussion of rivers, levees, flooding, and development with David Stokes, executive director of the Great Rivers Habitat Alliance. There really isn't a 500 or 100 year flood anymore; it may be more like every...
Levees have helped protect cities and land but at what cost to the landowners downstream when the water goes faster and is higher? Who is responsible for floodplain management? We delve into some of these questions in prepa...
There is JOY in reading when kids have the skills, access, and resources which make reading fun. Michael Shipley from Bring Me A Book-STL discusses: what parents can do to help their children become better readers, how BMAB-...
Nearly 100 years ago, Andrew “Rube” Foster established the Negro National League in 1920. Not far from the original site, the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum highlights the league, players, owners, fans, and the struggle to be...
The House of Miles East St. Louis (HOME) is a non-profit 501c3 that offers tours and educational programs in the restored childhood home ( in EStL) of musician extraordinaire, Miles Davis! Get to know more about this import...
Do we know about the historic contributions of these women? Do we even know about these women and their role in science, sports, medicine, and the arts? Find out and don't forget about them.
The U.S.S. Missouri is 75 years old and she has a permanent place alongside another historic ship in Pearl Harbor. "The USS Missouri Memorial Association is dedicated to preserving the Battleship Missouri and sharing her sto...
John Atkins, Petty Officer Third Class Machinist's Mate, was a member of the crew of the U.S.S. Missouri from the time she left the Brooklyn Shipyard, during the kamikaze attack, and was present at the Japanese Surrender. Hi...
In memory of the 90th birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we focus and reflect on the power of his spoken words to followers and to his daughter. Faith Morris from the National Civil Rights Museum discusses the ...
John McManus, an award-winning professor, author, and military historian joins us to explain events leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor and how the United States responded immediately after the attack. http://johncmcmanu...
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: A speech many school children have memorized and one that has endured through time. What about this speech gives us cause to wonder and contemplate? Ian Patrick Hunt, historian and the chief of...
The pogrom of November 9, 10 of 1938: at least 91 Jews were killed, 30,000 were arrested and incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps, hundreds of synagogues were burned, and over 7,000 Jewish businesses destroyed or damaged...