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July 15, 2022

Night Life-Hope and Love Amidst Violence and Addiction

"Night Life" is an inspiring documentary that tells the story of the Rev. Kenneth McKoy, known to St. Louis as the “Pastor of the Streets.” The Night Life Ministry, whose participants walk the streets of North St. Louis at night, fights an epidemic of mental illness and drug addiction, actively interrupting gun violence with McKoy’s motto: “Our love for our people and belief in our convictions is stronger than our own fear of death.”

Seth Ferranti vividly documents the North Side’s poverty and homelessness, its drug addicts and dealers, and its gangbangers and prostitutes; but Ferranti also reveals the seldom seen side filled with hope, love, consideration, and caring. This film is part of the St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase.

This is Season 5! For more episodes, go to stlintune.com

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