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Dec. 31, 2019

Home Sweet Home: Furnishing Hope, Pride, & Stability for Those Transi…

In order to effectively address homelessness in America and impact a long-term solution to this problem, people transitioning out of homelessness and other crisis situations need help with stability. Home Sweet Home believes ...

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Dec. 27, 2019

Path of the Past: A Tank Driver's Journey Across France in World War …

Author and film maker Lou Baczewski discusses his visit to France to trace his grandfather's journey as a tank driver starting from Omaha Beach through five major historic battlegrounds, including the Battle of the Bulge and ...

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Dec. 18, 2019

Ranken Jordan: Helping Kids Transition from Hospital to Home

What do you do when your child who has a complex medical need has to leave the hospital but needs some rehabilitation and/or transition assistance to home? Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital has been doing that since 19...

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Dec. 7, 2019

GUIDESTER: Simplify Your Travel

How much time do you take to plan your travel experience? Honestly now! All of the internet searching for restaurants, lodging, and sightseeing - how much time? Guidester is way ahead of you and can plan your trip accordin...

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Dec. 4, 2019

Must See Destinations: St. Louis Wheel & St. Louis Aquarium at Union …

Let’s explore two of the newest family-friendly attractions in St. Louis located at St. Louis Union Station. Tami Brown, Executive Director of the St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station describes the one-of-a-kind exhibits feat...

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Nov. 5, 2019

Shadow History: Renegade Women in Film and TV and Highlights of the S…

The St. Louis Jewish Book Festival is now in year 41 and Executive Director Amy Bornstein describes the activities and authors who will be participating including Elizabeth Weitzman. In our interview, author Elizabeth Weitz...

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Oct. 30, 2019

Addressing Violence Prevention as a Public & Mental Health Issue

What does violence prevention look like when there is a coordinated system of services aligned with community priorities? Learn what the St. Louis MHB is doing to build relationships with a wide range of organizations in the...

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Sept. 20, 2019

Stages St. Louis: Curtain Call for Some of St. Louis' Finest

Actress Zoe Vonder Haar and Associate Producer Andrew Kuhlman of Stages St. Louis give us a rousing look at their lives and what life is like behind the scenes in the theatrical realm. Both are involved in the current Man of...

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Sept. 12, 2019

This Isn't Your Grandparents Chamber Music. . . Well Sort Of!

What do you think of when you hear the words Chamber Music? Well it may not be what you think. How about composers? They are not all dead white guys from Italy and Germany! Chamber Project Saint Louis (CPSL) brings a refr...

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Aug. 27, 2019

Part II: Living a Life of Service-Memorable Moments from White House …

Life has been an adventure for Jan Burmeister. She continues to have a life full of service to people. . . but how did she go from being a clerk and receptionist at McDonnell Douglas Aircraft in St. Louis to answering the pe...

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Aug. 27, 2019

Part I: Living a Life of Service-Memorable Moments from White House Y…

Life has been an adventure for Jan Burmeister. She continues to have a life full of service to people. . . but how did she go from being a clerk and receptionist at McDonnell Douglas Aircraft in St. Louis to answering the pe...

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Aug. 15, 2019

Chris Clark on 20 years at CInema St Louis

Chris Clark, artistic director of Cinema St. Louis, has devoted 20 years to the film festival scene in St. Louis. He looks back on how he got involved with the organization and gives reflections on upcoming programs includin...

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July 23, 2019

NASA: Reflections on Apollo 11 and Past/Future Space Flights

Dr John Blevins, SLS Program Deputy Chief Engineer at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville Alabama, reflects on the historic Apollo 11 moon mission and where we may be headed in space in the near future and what it...

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July 22, 2019

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing with t…

Will Snyder, Planetarium Manager at the St. Louis Science Center, gives his insights into the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing and the multitude of activities planned for the celebration at the St. Louis Science...

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July 3, 2019

Gardens and Growing Food: Building Community from the Ground Up

In St. Louis, United People are helping residents build their community and helping to eliminate the food apartheid by showing residents how to start gardens, educating youth at summer camps about healthy eating and lifestyle...

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July 2, 2019

St Louis Metro Market Bus: An Oasis in the Food Desert

Where do you go to shop for food when you live in a food desert? Do you know what a food desert is and where they are located? Lucas Signorelli, executive director of the St. Louis Metro Market, answers those questions and ...

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July 2, 2019

Part II: Flooding, Levees, and the Myth of the 100/500 Year Flood

Part II of our discussion of rivers, levees, flooding, and development with David Stokes, executive director of the Great Rivers Habitat Alliance. There really isn't a 500 or 100 year flood anymore; it may be more like every...

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June 28, 2019

Part I: To Levee or Not To Levee? That is the Question, But What is t…

Levees have helped protect cities and land but at what cost to the landowners downstream when the water goes faster and is higher? Who is responsible for floodplain management? We delve into some of these questions in prepa...

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June 24, 2019

Bicycle History, Stories, and More

What do you remember about your first bicycle? Do you still ride? Listen in for a little history of bicycles along with some guidelines, humor, and experiences of bike riding. Don't forget to listen to the Pedego Electric ...

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June 23, 2019

Biking with the Electric Pedego Bicycle

If you are someone who loves to ride bicycles or used to ride bicycles and for some reason you stopped, then this is for you. Whatever may be inhibiting you from riding now or in the future, Pedego electric bicycles are wort...

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June 4, 2019

Insights into the Sculpture by Preston Jackson Honoring North Webster

North Webster is a historic black community in the suburbs of St. Louis with long rich history. In spite of discrimination, North Webster achieved through black-owned businesses, nationally recognized schools, churches, and ...

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June 1, 2019

Bring Me a Book!

There is JOY in reading when kids have the skills, access, and resources which make reading fun. Michael Shipley from Bring Me A Book-STL discusses: what parents can do to help their children become better readers, how BMAB-...

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May 31, 2019

Shakespeare Festival St. Louis: How the Arts are Linking Individuals …

Tom Ridgely and Naima Randolph discuss the Shakespeare Festival St. Louis production of Love's Labors Lost and the role of the arts in the greater community. https://www.sfstl.com/

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May 8, 2019

Let's Go Fly a Kite

Whether you are young or old, kite flying can be fun, competitive, and downright engaging . Mitch Cordover from the Gateway Kite Club provides a packed interview of kite history, various styles of kites, making a kite, kite ...

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