Remembering Michael Castro. Chris Mullen from KWRH-LP discusses her memories of St. Louis' first poet laureate Michael Castro.
Chris Mullen, host of Studio One Eleven on KWRH-LP gives us some background on her career(s) in the music, literary, and film industry. She has followed the direction that each area led her and she gives us a look at the cre...
John McManus, an award-winning professor, author, and military historian joins us to explain events leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor and how the United States responded immediately after the attack. http://johncmcmanu...
So you think you know how to recycle in a single stream container? A large portion ends up in the landfill because of contamination. WHAT! Let's get re-educated from Todd Rehg, the Director of Public Works for the City of ...
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: A speech many school children have memorized and one that has endured through time. What about this speech gives us cause to wonder and contemplate? Ian Patrick Hunt, historian and the chief of...
The pogrom of November 9, 10 of 1938: at least 91 Jews were killed, 30,000 were arrested and incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps, hundreds of synagogues were burned, and over 7,000 Jewish businesses destroyed or damaged...
Dan Knabe from the DAV discusses the impact the DAV is having on our veterans. DAV is a leader in connecting veterans with meaningful employment, hosting job fairs and providing resources to ensure they have the opportunity ...
Kenneth B. Morris, Jr. who is a direct descendant of Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington speaks about human trafficking, one million abolitionists, and the work of the Frederick Douglass Family Initiative. www.fdfi.or...
HomeFirst STL: Ending homelessness IS possible. The process is simple. We find homeless St. Louisan's who are ready to make a change in their lives but do not qualify for other types of aid. Supporting the underserved in St. ...
All Among Us: Helping to transition from generational poverty to self-sufficiency through Advocacy, Relationships, and Community is what All Among Us strives to do.
Into the Breeches: A Midwest premiere of this George Brant play by the Shakespeare Festival St. Louis which features Jacqueline Thompson as one of the leads. Find out about this all female version of "Henry V."
History To You: Their goal is simple: to stimulate positive change by increasing awareness of the cultural richness of African-American history. Get reignited in learning about your history in an interactive way! www.historyt...
FIRE PREVENTION MONTH: Chief Kevin Halloran from the Rock Hill FIre Department provides valuable information about staying safe and fire prevention.
Opera Theatre of Saint Louis presents a sensory-friendly family production of Rossini's The Barber of Seville. Mia DeJong discusses this kind of production in which kids will experience interactive workshops in stage makeup,...
Sometimes the world around children with a disability or illness doesn't recognize how Extraordinary they are. Surrounded by our community and cloaked in their very own cape, they feel strong, able and proud of their qualitie...
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and organized by religious groups, businesses, schools and others to raise funds to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world. In addition, each...
Domestic violence will impact the lives of 1 out of every 3 women at some point within their lifetime. When it does, it can leave victims feeling helpless and lost. The Women’s Safe House offers the support services needed to...
Often passed by without much thought and used as a focal point for concerts and food venues, the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum and Court of Honor will reopen November 3, 2018 after a two year absence and a $30 million mak...
Director Mark Diedrich from the Office of Emergency Management for St. Louis County provides valuable information on how the county is ready when emergencies, disasters, floods, hazards, or any other scenario occurs. Learn w...
For 40 years, the Webster-Kirkwood Times has been providing community news. How did it all begin? What is it about the Times that keeps it going after all these years? Publisher Dwight Bitikofer and Editor Don Corrigan ref...
The national historic landmark, the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis is one of the hidden gems of our area. Catherine Martin reveals some interesting aspects and benefits of MOBOT and what to expect at the upcoming Jap...
Brigadier General C. David Turner (retired) discusses his career and the honor being given to him as a park is named in his honor in Rock Hill, MO.
Urb Arts: Does art reflect society or does society reflect art? Get to know MK Stallings and how he has been helping youth, developing the community of Old North St. Louis, and creating opportunities for the arts in the St. L...
ABUSE takes many different forms and can leave scars that last a lifetime. Are there certain signs and symptoms of abuse? Can abuse be prevented? How much abuse is happening in the St. Louis area and what kinds of abuse are...