Feb. 11, 2024

Continuity Sets Basics Workshop: Giving Flight to Diverse Creators

Continuity Sets Basics Workshop: Giving Flight to Diverse Creators

Photo by Ron Lach

In an industry dominated by networking, discovering diverse content creators, filmmakers, and crew members from multiple backgrounds can often be a daunting task. This is where Continuity, a non-profit based in St. Louis, steps up to the plate. We recently interviewed Michael D. Francis who discussed his first-hand experiences navigating this industry and shed light on the Continuity Sets Basics Workshop.

Diverse Representation in Media Production

Michael is a veteran media influencer and explained that while most people understand the importance of networking, the difficulties arise when seeking to connect with diverse individuals within the industry. That'sMichael D. Francis where the Continuity Sets Basics Workshop aims to close the gap. This in-depth program offers an extensive course in media production, opening doors for individuals of different ethnicities, races, identities, and neurodivergence who are eager to make their mark in the industry.

Conversations with Creators

Michael D. Francis shared insights into his experiences. He humorously reveals his hidden role behind the scenes and emphasizes the importance of each role in making a successful production, from set designers to caterers. He has years of experience in media and TV productions, creating unique TV show concepts. His journey, along with many others, reinforces the importance of such platforms in providing opportunities for budding creators.

Building Infrastructure for the Media Industry 

Continuity also aims to build up the infrastructure needed for when significant productions arrive in the locality. While the new tax incentive passed recently has opened doors for larger productions to venture into the state, it emphasized the importance of having a ready and able workforce capable of handling the work. 

Michael recalls how the influx of film crews can boost a local economy. Everything from food to cleaning supplies purchased for the production goes into supporting the local businesses. However, he points out an important issue, if two large productions landed in town simultaneously, it would exhaust the available workforce.

Rollout of The Set Basics Workshop

Set Basics is a necessary first step into the world of media production, teaching participants how to break into he business at least at a Production Assistant level. The workshop demystifies industry jargon and introduces participants to the range of job opportunities available.

The workshop is not purely theoretical. At its successful completion, participants have the opportunity to put their newfound knowledge to work. While the first gig is believed to be the hardest to procure, Continuity has partnered with the Missouri State Film Office. They help participants secure jobs for bigger productions coming into town, helping boost their resume with that essential first credit.

Coasting Into the Future and Making an Impact 

Over the years, numerous past participants have used the knowledge and opportunities gained through Continuity to kickstart their media careers. They have worked on significant productions, started companies, and some have even relocated to Los Angeles. 

Continuity is all about expanding diversity in media production through skills-based training, mentorship, and providing opportunities for untapped talent. Their success stories are living proof of the impact they are making in shaping the media industry and, most importantly, in the lives of many individuals who dared to dream and venture boldly into the world of media. No photo description available.

If you’re looking for a stepping stone into the world of media production, check out Continuity and the incredible resources and opportunities they offer. It might just be the start of something amazing!