Aug. 30, 2021

9/11 Tribute: Capturing a Privileged Moment by Henry Leutwyler

For over 40 years, Henry Leutwyler has been capturing the essence of people and objects. In this episode of Saint Louis In Tune, he discusses the romantic process of photography and how a still life is a portrait of an object. His portraits of 9/11 recovered objects in the September 2021 issue of National Geographic vibrate with honor and tribute. The photographs "Sacred Dust" can be seen at the Foley Gallery in New York City September 10-26.

For more information on this story, visit National Geographic's related four-night limited series, 9/11: One Day in America, which is airing this week at 9/8c. The series will also stream the next day on Hulu and re-air on National Geographic on Sept. 10 and 11.

(Episode Photo by Henry Leutwyler/National Geographic)

[03:06] Background

[07:16] Changes in Photography

[08:59] The Romantic Process

[11:50] Getting it right (Helmut Newton, Iggy Pop)

[16:49] The perspective of humility

[24:27] Portraits of Objects

[26:47] National Geographic Commission

  • Recovery Concept
  • Humility
  • Sacred Dust
  • Robert Capa

[37:49] A Private Lesson from Henry Leutwyler on Photography

This is Season 4!

#photography #photographer #photoshoot #camera #911memorial #911museum #September11 #newyork #henryleutwyler #switzerland #nationalgeographic #fashionphotographer #stilllife #lens #film #foleygallery #sacreddust #pulledfromtherubble #artifacts #echoesofloss #patriciaedmonds #twintowers #recovery #dust #remembrance #portraits #robertcapa #recoveredobjects #newyorkcity #romanticprocess #911tribute #portraitsofobjects #ursulaandress

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